Monday 1 November 2010

45 - Hampstead Downstairs - Machine Guns. Bullets. Hot Guns. Coke Vials.

The Summer of 1977 in New York's Hell's Kitchen, where the temperature is hot and the women hotter. The action takes place in the tenement apartments, bars and police precinct backrooms our creatures inhabit. Ed is primal and a primate with a sense of humour. Ed would rather steal than get a job. Ed thinks, ''work,'' is a four letter word and he is determined to live the American dream, one robbery at a time. Pat is Ed's girl and partner in crime. Pat is a lioness in this jungle. A natural beauty who feels like an endangered species in this neighborhood. Pat has grown tired of waiting for Ed to make her dreams come true and has become ambitios herself. She is prime to spread her wings and make her first kill. This play reads like a film script, it's fast paced, atmospheric and powerful.

.45 Hampstead Downstairs  
 3RD - 27TH November 2010
BOX OFFICE - 020 7722 9310

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