Monday 25 October 2010

What's Going On - Design

The Death Bag

In the last few years the focus on a ‘greener’ way of living has been intense and unavoidable, with the plastic bag taking a bigger bashing than almost any other common object. The ‘death bag', designed by vedang kulkarni and aakanksha rajhans from India, is a simple yet powerful standout design, aimed to force into the public eye the wastefulness of our use of plastic bags. It is also one of the shortlisted entries 
from more than 4000 participants in the 'iida awards 2010' competition, organized by designboom in collaboration with incheon metropolitan city.

The designers say: “the idea behind the 'death bag' or the 'coffin bag' is to ring that awareness bell in an individual's mind at that precise moment when he or she is being offered a plastic bag in a store. the conventional plastic bag is shaped 
in the form of a coffin by using origami folds. the bag aims to send a strong message to the user to not use it. 
and honestly, how many of us would want to be seen carrying a plastic bag which looks like a mini coffin? 
the shape and form of the bag should repulse an individual at the point of use and make a strong impression 
on his or her mind about the ill effects of plastic.”

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